Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wakame Salad

Wakame Salad

Find dried, cut wakame sold in bags at most Asian markets. So easy…just cover it with twice the amount of filtered water, and five minutes later, you have a brimming bowl of fresh seaweed! Wakame is loaded with calcium, and (listen up, ladies!) helps balance our hormones. Naturally salty-flavored, Wakame pleases the Kidneys, and helps cleanse heavy metals out of the body as all deep greens do.

You could play with putting some lemon in the soak water if you want to cut down on the “sea” flavor, and boost the Liver-lovin’ factors (Liver digs sour flavors).

This recipe is a blank slate… you can put just about anything in it in any quantity you wish. However, I’ll share my “base” essentials and give some suggestions from my own successful (as in, no complaints yet) experimentations J

Again… ya best play with it…add these things to taste, more or less:

Per 2 cups of wakame add approx.

1.5 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar (or rice vinegar, but AppCidVin helps alkalize the body which is awesome)

1 tsp of sesame oil

1 tbsp agave nectar

1 tbsp chopped sushi ginger (or you could puree the vinegar and a fresh chunk of ginger in the blender)

Juice of half a lemon or lime

Chopped green onion (your call on the amount, I like lots)

1 chopped (into small slivers is nice) medium green tart apple

Okay, from here, it’s up to your artistic vision…here are my fave additions:

Goji berries

Avocado (oh my gawd, this is good)

Raw pumpkin seeds

Chopped red or green cabbage (really bulks it up if you’re taking it to a potluck, may need to add more “base” liquid ingredients)

Slivers of raw pumpkin

Chopped garlic

Chopped Kale (may need to add more lemon/lime juice if you use a bunch)

Protein Addition Options these can make it into a “one-dish” Alchemeal!!!

---Mung bean sprouts (soak the dry beans for 6 hours in a jar, drain and cover mouth of jar with mesh or cheesecloth, turn over and set in a bowl to drain out of direct sunlight… rinse a couple times a day until their tails are as long as their bodies in about 1.5/2 days you will have lovely, crunchy little green protein bombs!)

---Chunked smoked salmon

---“fake bacon” style tempeh (the smokiness of this or the salmon is really tasty in there)

---Chopped soft-boiled egg (boil egg for 6 minutes, remove from hot water, soak in ice cold water, for a minute then carefully peel. You have to dig runny eggs for this to make you happy)


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